[. . . ] [. . . ] , WLVDGYLVDEOHWROHWWKH¿OWHUKROGHUKHDWXSDIHZPLQXWHVLQLWVVHDWEHIRUHPDNLQJDFXSRIFRIIHHVRWKDWWKH ¿UVWFXSLVSLSLQJKRWWRR7KLVZLOOQRWEHQHFHVVDU\IRUWKHIROORZLQJFRIIHHV :KHQWKHLQGLFDWRURIWKHFRIIHHGLVWULEXWLRQEXWWRQ is on and steady, the appliance has reached the proper Auto-off function 7KLV FRIIHH PDFKLQH LV HTXLSSHG ZLWK DQ DXWRPDWLF VZLWFKRII V\VWHP LQ UHVSHFW RI WKH QHZ UHJXODWLRQV RQ HQHUJ\FRQVXPSWLRQ, IWKHPDFKLQHLVWXUQHGRQEXWQRWLQXVHWKHDXWRRIIIXQFWLRQRSHUDWHVDIWHUDERXW PLQXWHV7RSUHSDUHDQHZFRIIHHWXUQRQWKHDSSOLDQFHDJDLQE\SUHVVLQJWKH212))EXWWRQ :DLWIRU the indicator of the coffee distribution button WRWXUQRQDQGVWHDG\EHIRUHH[WUDFWLQJFRIIHH PDUN Unclog any deposits formed in the steam tube &$86(6 Probably too much ground coffee 5HPRYHWKH¿OWHUKROGHUDQGFOHDQWKHKRRNLQJ VHDWZLWKDVSRQJH)LJ 5HSHDWWKH operation placing the correct amount of coffee in WKH¿OWHU Coffee is not dispensed or is dispensed too Because any remaining pressure could cause Uniformly through all holes, descale using the Because any remaining pressure could cause [. . . ] [. . . ]